about me

Hola! Welcome to my lifestyle blog. My name is Tory, and I'm a twenty-something living in a tiny town on the coast of Maine. Follow along as I learn to sew, garden, craft and cook, inspired by DIYs from all over the web. I'll be posting the - hopefully not too catastrophic - results as I plod along. So expect to see recipes, pictures of my homegrown manicures and handsome boyfriend, tunes I can't get out of my head and a lot of disasters.

1. me!    2. my friend Ben and I    3. my friend Caitlin and I at Graduation
My favorite things include pie baking, dogs of all shapes and sizes, and my truck, named Harrison Ford. I read too much, eat too much dessert, and work in an antique shop down by the sea. This blog is my attempt to make myself finish what I start, and to document what happens along the way. I like making new friends, so shoot me a line. Thanks for dropping by!


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